Guysville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Guysvillle City? If yes, then you should know these facts. You will be surprised to know that the average age of the people living in Guysville is 33.4 years. You can also find out how many of the people in this city are over 25 years old. This statistic will help you decide if you should move to this city.

In Guysville, there are four43 households, of which 202 are earning less than $10k a year, 70 make between $50k and $100,000, and 108 make over a million dollars. Take a look at the chart below to find out how much money the average person in Guysville earns in comparison to the rest of the state of Ohio and the nation. Once you know your neighbors' household income, you can make better decisions about advertising in the area.

Population and steets in Guysville City are relatively constant. Of the entire population, 1261 are under 20 years of age. This number is comprised of 245 men and 258 women. The age of the people living in Guysville is also relatively stable, with only a few percent rising or falling. However, if you'd like to see more data about this area, you can use the Radaris database to see the gender breakdown of this area.

The US Postal Service has assigned this ZIP code to the City of Guysville, Ohio. However, some people still use abbreviated names, which is not allowed in the United States. The city is grouped as Lower Middle Class by the Federal Government and operates on the Eastern time zone. Using this information, you can plan your trip to Guysville. If you're looking for a map of the city, try searching on Google maps or Ypsi.