Graysville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in the population and steets of Graysville City, TN, you have come to the right place. You will find a list of towns that are nearby. You can plan a trip to the nearby towns or get a sense of the community. You can even use this list to find the nearest cities that are 100 miles away from Graysville, TN. Once you find the nearest cities, you can search for information on each one.

Almost 100% of the people living in Graysville, AL are U.S. citizens. The median property value was $92,200. The average household had two cars. The median income for a bachelor's degree holder was $40,000. The cost of living in this city is quite low and is an excellent choice for those who want to save money. Only 8.2% of the population is in the 22-29 age range. This means that most entertainment in Graysville is geared toward families.

In 2019, 88.9% of Graysville, AL residents drove alone to work. Another 6.71 percent of people used carpooling. Walking was just over two percent. The chart below shows the percentage of households in Graysville City that used each mode of transportation over time. The logarithmic scale on the y-axis helps to show variations in smaller means of commuting. It also shows how households in Graysville, AL were distributed according to car ownership. The largest share of households owned two cars.