Frazeysburg, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering about the demographics of your locality, consider the following Frazeysburg, OH statistics: Population & Steets. Frazeysburg, OH is home to 84.8% white residents, 1.1% black, and 0.2% Hispanic. The median household income is $48,632, and the average household income is $57,376. High school graduation rates are at 74%, which may be a factor for local advertising.

In the city, approximately 46% of homes are rent-assisted, and only 8% are for sale. Rent burden is an indicator of housing affordability in a city. Frazeysburg has a lower rent burden than most cities in Ohio, which averages 29.7%. However, neighboring cities, such as Johnstown, have lower rent burdens than Frazeysburg. Frazeysburg is home to 49.7% of renters, which is lower than the state average.

The population of Frazeysburg is 1,326 at the 2010 census. It is located along the Wakatomika Creek. The village is known for its famous apple basket. The town is home to the world's largest apple basket, which sits on the Longaberger homestead. Located on state route 16, Frazeysburg-Nashport High School was renamed Frazeysburg-Nashport High Schools in the 1970s.

The city's population is highly active. Approximately 85% of residents are active in community organizations. The population is well-represented in several professions. At the community center, the Frazeysburg Library is located. All volunteers were responsible for its success. While there is no municipal government, the town's residents are actively involved in various civic organizations. It has a history of a long, proud, and prosperous history.