Fort Jennings, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering what the population and steets are in Fort Jennings City, Ohio. The population of Fort Jennings is considerably lower than the total population of Ohio. The population of Fort Jennings is made up of 5,465 people, a percentage which may surprise you. This is the reason why this city has a lower birth rate than other communities in the region.

The population and steets of Fort Jennings are represented by a wide range of racial groups. While most residents are White, others are Asian, German, or English, according to census data. Of the four racial groups represented in Fort Jennings, the majority are white and speak English as a native language. Fort Jennings has a high percentage of people in the 60-69 age group, as reported by local census data.

The median household income of Fort Jennings, OH is $217,417. There is a higher percentage of home-owners with a higher percentage of single-income households than people with lower incomes. The average commute time for Fort Jennings, OH residents is 24.5 minutes. The median home price in Fort Jennings is $185,300, while the home appreciation is 7.5%.

The median income in Fort Jennings is $59,732 per person. It is a middle-class neighborhood. The median home-ownership rate is 75.9%. The median home value is $125,260. The median age in Fort Jennings is 42.8 years. Females have a higher median age at 41.5 years than males. For more information on the local area, please refer to Fort Jennings, Ohio, United States.