Fairborn, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population & Steets in Fairborne City, Ohio: What's the demographic breakdown? In the Fairborn City Center, the vacancy rate is 11.9%, which is higher than the national average of 66.6%. What might explain this? Weak demand for real estate. However, it's possible that a lot of newly built homes are not yet occupied. If this is the case, then the city is not experiencing a housing shortage.

While living in Fairborn, OH, you can see that people are generally young. The median age of the city is 32.9. Only 2.8 percent of residents are older than 35. The majority of Fairborn residents commute by car, but only 44 percent use public transportation. Public transportation is rare, and walking is not common. The median household income is $46,757. But that doesn't mean that people don't have a lot of options.

The median property value in Fairborn, OH is $118,100, which is lower than the national average. Between 2018 and 2019, the median home value in Fairborn, OH increased 3.51%. The homeownership rate is 45.3%, which is below the national average. Residents of Fairborn commute on an average of 20 minutes, with two cars per household. A high percentage of residents live in a single-family dwelling, while the average rent in Fairborn is $2,300.

Community Park is Fairborn's largest park. It holds a Fourth of July fireworks show and a sweet corn festival. It is also home to four playgrounds, as well as a disc golf course. The park is home to many events, including a Summerfest, the annual Sweet Corn Festival, and a Concert in the Park series. You can find out more about Fairborn City by checking out our population & steets in Fairborn, Ohio!