Elmwood Place, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For those of you who are looking for the population and steets of Elmwood Place City, Ohio, you have come to the right place. Below is the latest population report, and you can find out more about the community by checking out their statistics. This city is located in southwest Ohio along the Ohio River, near the Kentucky/Indiana border. Elmwood Place experiences the most pleasant weather during the months of September, June, and May. The coldest month is December.

Public transportation is reasonably accessible in Elmwood Park. You can walk or take a bike to get anywhere in the city, and you can reach a few local restaurants within five minutes of living here. You can also call Uber or a local taxi cab to get to work or a store. Whether you choose public transportation or taxi cabs, Elmwood Park is a great place to call home.