Elmore, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to know the population and steets of Elmore City, OK, you'll need to learn more about the area. This community is home to approximately 753 people. Although it's relatively small, it has seen a small decline in population since the year 2000. The median home value is $88,900, making it less expensive than the average US city. Home appreciation in Elmore City, OK has been 5.5% over the past decade.

Elmore City is a city in Garvin County, Oklahoma. The ZIP Code for the area is 73433. Its population is categorized under a variety of categories. There are a number of schools in the city. The schools are listed by street name, phone number, and ZIP Code. To find the schools in Elmore City, OK, you can use the following information. You'll find the names of the schools and addresses on the page.

The most common racial or ethnic groups in Elmore City, OK are White, Two or more races, 3.0% American Indian, 0.6% Black, and 5.1% Hispanic. The percentage of households living below the poverty line varies by age, family size, and composition. People living in Elmore City, OK are classified into one of two categories: those who are employed, and those who are not.

Elmore City is located at the intersection of Highways 74 and 29 in Garvin County, Oklahoma. The town was first populated in 1890. The post office was named for a merchant who lived there at the time. Elmer, however, was confused with another town called Elmer, so the name was changed in 1911 to Elmore City. Elmore City's population peaked in 1960 at 982 people. Today, it's home to around 735 people.