Edon, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and stouts of Edon City? This article will provide a brief overview of the city and the surrounding area. Read on for more information. Here's a breakdown of the population & stouts of Edon City, California. It's important to note that the population of Edon City is not necessarily representative of the city's overall demographic. The city has a mixed ethnicity, with 62% of the population identifying as White. Other ethnicities, like Asian and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, comprise 16% of the total population. In addition, about 6% of the city's population is classified as black or Asian. And last but not least, there are a few residents who identify as other races or religions.

In 2000, there were 15,908 people living in Edon. The city was incorporated in 1967 after the merger of three separate towns. There are several historic downtown areas in the city. The city has 5 bank branches. HomeTrust Bank is the city's largest bank, followed by First National Bank of Pennsylvania, and Wells Fargo Bank, National Association. The city also has many smaller, historic districts.

Eden is a city with a Council/Manager form of government. There is a mayor elected at-large and seven council members who serve four-year terms. The City Council meets monthly on the first Monday. The population is primarily white. However, there are many minorities. The city is a mix of old and new. Approximately 95.4% of residents speak only English. There are no minority languages in the city.