East Palestine, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will provide you with the population and street numbers of East Palestine City, Ohio. The population of the city was estimated at 4,328 in the year 2020. This makes it the 275th largest city in Ohio and the 5198th largest city in the U.S. Currently, the population of the city is decreasing at -0.73% per year. In the past decade, the city has lost -0.86% of its population. This page also includes a map showing the population density of the city.

The median household income in East Palestine is $39,622, which is higher than the national average of $26.4. As for the racial makeup of the city, there are mainly White people in the area. There are also 37 American Indian and Alaska Native residents, who are non-Hispanic. And of course, there are more hispanic people than white residents. In terms of the racial makeup of the population of East Palestine, there are approximately 83 White people and 106 hispanic residents.

The population of East Palestine City is based on census figures from the 2010 U.S. census. The city is located within the Township of Unity, a minor civil division of Columbiana County, and the alternate name is Mechanicsburg. East Palestine was initially known as Mechanicsburg, but the name was changed to accommodate religious nomenclature. The name Palestine was already a town in Ohio, so Mechanicsburg was the more popular name for the area. A pottery industry flourished in the area, which grew in the early part of the 20th century. East Palestine Pottery Company was born in 1857 and operated until 1960.