East Cleveland, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to find out what the Population & Steets in East cleave city are? You are in luck! This city has been listed on our site for your reference. We have compiled all of the population and steets data in one place for you to review and use as reference. You'll find out who lives in East Cleveland, how many people live there, and more.

East Cleveland City has an estimated population of 81,579 residents. Approximately 22.2% of residents are under the age of 18. Twenty-four percent are married couples. Twenty-six percent are single women. Thirty-one percent are over the age of 64. There are also about eleven percent of senior citizens who live alone. The gender ratio in the city is 45.1% male and 53.9% female.

East Cleveland has a C2 Census Class Code, which means that it's an incorporated place. Although it's technically coextensive with a county subdivision, East Cleveland is considered a separate entity for statistical purposes. As such, it has a functional status code of "A", indicating that it's an active government providing primary general-purpose functions. East Cleveland has a large population of African Americans. Historically, East Cleveland was home to the largest majority of black residents in Ohio.

Aside from a high concentration of single-parent households, East Cleveland has a small number of married-couple households. About 70 percent of the population is economically dependent, and the proportion of single-person households is much higher than that of the rest of the country. Cleveland is home to many important employment centers, which require many daily services. This article will explore some of these needs. And we'll continue to keep you informed as we go!