Dorset, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information can help you learn more about Population & Steets in Dorget City, MN. In addition, you can find out the distance from Dorset City to nearby cities. The list includes large cities that are close to Dorset and smaller cities that are about 100 miles away. You can also use the list to find nearby towns to make road trips from Dorset. There are plenty of places to visit near Dorset, MN.

Dorset City is home to 95.3% of the population, making it one of the most diverse areas in the United Kingdom. Its population is predominantly white, although there are a few ethnic minorities. The majority of Dorset's population is Christian, with only 13.7% identifying as non-religious. A few small communities are considered non-religious. In Dorset, however, there are some small communities of Asian descent.

Dorset is an ancient city with a vibrant history. The settlements date back to Saxon times and during the Domesday Book period, the land was dedicated to farming. During the eighteenth century, the coastline of Dorset was a hotspot for smugglers, and it remained relatively unaffected by the industrial revolution. The Dorset city region has been the launching ground of D-Day landings and was once part of Hampshire until 1974, when political boundaries were revised.

The government of Dorset City is comprised of the County Council, which is headquartered in central Dorchester. The council comprises of 24 Conservatives, 16 Liberal Democrats, four Labour members and one independent councillor. Dorset City is divided into four districts. North Dorset, South Dorset, and West Poole are the most populated. The other two districts contain more rural areas and are mostly populated by a single councillor.