Deshler, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Demographics in Deshler are not exactly easy to find, especially in small towns. The Deshler population is slightly worse than the national average. The following information about Deshler's population can help you find out more about the city. The demographics of Deshler are based on the corresponding square mile measurements. Using this information can help you decide if this place is right for you.

Demographics in Deshler City include 103.3% white residents, 0.1% black people, and 0.5% Asian. Hispanics make up 5.7% of the population. Demographics in Deshler City also provide insight into how much residents make each year. The median household income in the city is $46,632, while the average household income is $55,273. The education levels of Deshler residents are also important factors when determining your target market.

Demographics for Deshler show a steady increase since the last census. There are about 1,850 people living in the city. It is located in Henry County and was first platted in 1873. The town was incorporated in 1876, and the post office has been operating since 1872. In the early 1900s, the Deshler community was a hub for the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and it was once dubbed 'the crossroads of the B&O'. Nowadays, CSX Transportation owns both the B&O and the C&O lines.

Demographics in Deshler, OH are fairly similar to other U.S. cities. The population is about 1,716, down 5.6% from the 2020 census. The median home price is $117,100, and home appreciation in Deshler over the last 10 years is 8.0%. The median income for residents of Deshler is $27,700. There are a lot of small towns in the area, but you can find the population of Deshler in the United States.