Crown City, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will provide an overview of the Population & Steets in Crown State City. You can also view a chart that compares Crown City to the other entities in Oklahoma City. For example, in Oklahoma City, a resident of Crown Heights will have a higher percentage of foreign-born residents than someone who is a native-born citizen. You can also view the population's ethnic composition by looking at the percentage of people of Indian descent.

The median income in Crown City was $25,909 for households and $35,000 for families, according to the United States Census Bureau. Males had a median income of $33,750 while females made $16,538. This equates to an income per capita of $17,553. According to the Census Bureau, 13.6% of the population and 20.5% of the family income thresholds fell below these levels, so people in Crown City, OH were considered impoverished. The most common job groups in Crown City, OH were healthcare support occupations (21 people), office & administrative support occupations (eighteen people), and sales professions (16 people).

In 2019, the median property value in Crown City, OH was $86,000, which is 0.358 times lower than the national average. The city's median income decreased from $84,500 in 2018 to $38,125 in 2019, showing that the distribution of income is more even than the national average. Crown City, OH has a homeownership rate of 64.3%, which is above the national average. The top paying industries in Crown City, OH are manufacturing (14 people), finance & insurance ($57,500), and real estate.