Creston, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Creston City? What is the number of residents, as a percentage of the total population? The city has a small population, but the overall area is growing. In 2018, the city had a population of 5,583 people. There are many things you should know about the city. Here is the latest information on the area's population and demographics.

The median home value in Creston, IA was $90,600, which was 0.377 times smaller than the national average. The median household income in Creston was $43,432 in 2019, an increase of 0.601% over the previous year. The median racial or ethnic group of the residents of Creston, IA is White (Non-Hispanic), followed by White (Hispanic) and Two+. The highest paying industries are Manufacturing (91%) and Retail Trade (608). Housing and Construction (HUD) and Finance & Insurance (HUD) are among the other industries in the city.

The median age in Creston City was 38.8 years. Twenty-five percent of residents were under the age of 18. There were 10.5% of households headed by a female without a husband present. Forty-seven percent of households were headed by a married couple, and forty-one percent were headed by single individuals. The median age was 39. The male to female ratio in Creston City was 47:3 and 52.7%, respectively.