Cortland, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Want to learn more about Cortland City, New York? Check out this article about the City's Steets and Population. You can even learn how to become a Cortland City resident! Here are some tips:

First, check out the average commute time of Cortland, NY residents. It is considerably shorter than the average US commute, and only 0.586% of Cortland City residents are "super commuters." Then, compare the median household income of Cortland, NY to that of its parent and neighboring geographies. If you live in Cortland City, NY, you'll find that the median age of residents was 28. The most common foreign birthplace was the Dominican Republic, which accounted for 501,381 of Cortland's residents. The second-most-common country was China, with 407,244, and Jamaica with 231,289 people living in the city.

The Wickwire Brothers wire drawing mill was a thriving industry in Cortland during the late nineteenth century. The company produced window screens and wire hardware cloth. Their home, the 1890 House Museum & Victorian Arts, commemorates their wealth. Cortland's Brockway Motor Company was founded in 1875. It was acquired by Mack Trucks in 1956, but remained in business until 1977. Today, the city hosts an annual Brockway truck show.

Cortland County has eight places and sixteen county subdivisions. The City Of Cortland is the county seat of Cortland County, New York. There are nine elementary schools and nine high schools in Cortland City, NY. Listed below are the median income for residents of Cortland City, NY and Cortland, NY 13045. If you're looking to start a new life in Cortland, NY, consider checking out our profile.