Conesville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Conesville, Ohio is comprised of a diverse mix of people from all over the world. The city has a small population of Native Americans, and its primarily white citizens are the product of the Midwest. The city also has a large number of immigrants, and it is one of the most diverse places in the world. There are some notable differences between the two, however. For instance, the city has a larger proportion of black residents than it does of whites.

The Census Bureau lists the race of residents in a city's United States Census profile. In Conesville, OH, 47.2% of residents identify as white. A smaller percentage, 0.2%, identify as black or Asian. Another 0.2% identify as American Indian. Hispanics make up a quarter of the population. Other races are represented by a small percentage, which is also reflected in Conesville's racial composition.

According to the Census Bureau, the total land area of Conesville, Ohio, is.2 square miles. Its population comprises 349 people and 134 households. The median household income in Conesville, OH is $47,917. Interestingly, the city has a low poverty rate, at 0.19%, and a very low unemployment rate (0.2%). This low unemployment rate is indicative of a healthy local economy.