Commercial Point, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in finding out the Population & Steets in CommercialPoint City? If so, you've come to the right place. Here's a quick look at the stats. Commercial Point is located in Pickaway County and has a population of 1,582. Its population density is 568/km2. It is expected to grow to 1,695 by 2020. There are a number of different ways to get the population of a city.

The population of Commercial Point, OH, is made up of people of various ethnic and racial groups. About 57% of residents have at least a bachelor's degree. Another 13% have a graduate, professional, or doctorate degree. The economic status of Commercial Point, OH can be categorized into three major occupational groups. These are: 10% in the service industry, 35% in blue-collar jobs, and 55% in white-collar roles.

The overall cost of living in Commercial Point is lower than the national average. However, it is not the cheapest city in Ohio. Although some areas may have higher costs of living than others, overall costs are lower. Housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, and miscellaneous goods are all less expensive. In terms of crime, there are fewer eviction cases than in neighboring cities, such as Lockbourne.

The commercial point population is 1,643 according to the 2016 US CENSUS BUREAU. The city is mostly white with about 0.9% of the population being non-white. There are 49 Two+ residents and 33 non-Hispanic. Another important indicator is the poverty rate in the city. In Commercial Point, Ohio, the population is 0.89 male to every 1 female, according to the US CENSUS BUREAU.