Cleveland Heights, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will focus on the population and steets of Cleveland Heights City. The city was established in 1830 and had a small black population at the time. After the turn of the nineteenth century, the Black population in Cleveland began to grow. Although the Black population was never large, it was not residentially isolated, and the newspaper regularly reported on their activities. In 1830, black residents of Cleveland Heights organized a black church, school, and young men's union. The black population supported the school, a lecture series, and a library.

The aristocratic class in Cleveland began to develop during the canal era. The Cleveland Herald noted that the aristocracy consisted of capitalists, paper mill owners, and wealthy businessmen. These individuals also financed the city's first fire department, which was built in 1830. In 1836, the city had four firehouses. It also appointed a fire warden to enforce fire prevention ordinances. Crime increased in the 1830s and a city watch was established.

The canal-era population boom also brought European immigrants to the area. The population of Cleveland was 96% native in 1830, with a significant number of Irish among canal workers. The influx of foreign-born immigrants began to increase during the 1860s. Self-help organizations served immigrants in the area, including Germans, Irish, and Scots. During this time, the physical well-being of Cleveland's residents improved dramatically.