Clay Center, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will give you a general idea of the population and steets of Clay Center City, Kansas. This city has approximately 4,240 residents and a median household income of $42,500. To learn more about the economic health of Clay Center, you should read the population and steets report that comes with the city. It also shows the percentage of residents who live in poverty.

The city is located in Clay County, Kansas. The area is approximately 3,991 square miles. According to the United States Census, there is a population of 10,218. In Clay Center, the median home value is $75,000 and the median commute time is 16.6 minutes. Most residents commute alone to work. In Clay Center, the median home value is $75,000, and the median home appreciation over the past decade has been only 0.8%.

The Clay Center city zip code is 67432. It is also known as Clay Center and is part of Clay County. Its official USPS name is CLAY CENTER, Kansas, although some places use it as a town, village, or school. This zip code is designated as D (Default), which is the preferred name by USPS. It has one default name for each ZIP Code.

In 2019, the median age of the people in Clay Center, Kansas was 44.9 years. The percentage of citizens born in Clay Center, KS was 44.7% for natives, while the percentage for foreigners was 75. This shows that the residents of Clay Center, KS are getting older. In 2018, the average person in Clay Center, KS was 43 years old. In terms of immigration, the most common countries of birth among foreign-born residents of Clay Center, KS were Mexico and India. The Vietnamese were the largest group of foreign-born residents with 10,675 people.