Canal Fulton, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're interested in learning more about the population of Canal Fulton City, Ohio, this article can help you. The city is home to about 50,000 people and is one of the smallest in the greater Canal Fulton area. The median income in Canal Fulton is $76,778. The city also has a large number of foreign born residents, accounting for approximately 4.6% of the total population.

The population of Canal Fulton City is low in places such as parks and major airports. Most Canal Fulton residents don't live near these places, so crime rates may appear to be higher than they actually are. However, crime does happen where people are. That means that it is best to avoid areas with high crime rates. This article will help you determine the best places to live in Canal Fulton.

For further research, visit the cities closest to Canal Fulton, OH. The city's population is expected to reach 20,000 by 2020. The list of nearby towns is handy if you're planning a road trip or want to explore the area. For example, you might search for cities that are less than 100 miles away from Canal Fulton, OH to see where you can find a good hotel.

When looking at the demographics of the city, Canal Fulton, OH has about 5,311 White residents, 68 White (Hispanic), and thirteen Hispanics. Those numbers are rounded up from the Census Bureau's data, which shows that the city is home to about 5.41k residents. Its population is also home to 81 people who are hispanic.