Byesville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Byezville City, Ohio are presented below. These statistics will help you determine if the area is affordable or not. Byesville, Ohio is a diverse city. Almost a third of the residents are White, while less than 1% are Hispanic or Asian. The majority of residents speak English, though Spanish and Italian are also spoken.

The median age of the population was 39.2 years. Of that number, 8.4% were under the age of 18. Twenty-six percent were married couples and 46.3% were single. Another twenty-nine percent of the population was either 25 or older. Approximately 12.9% of the population was elderly or disabled. The median household size was 2.52 people, with a female householder making up nearly one in five households.

The median gross rent in Byesville was $522 per month in 2010. This includes utility bills and some other building costs. In 2016, the median gross rent in Ohio was $730. The rent burden in Byesville, OH is 42.1%, which is slightly higher than the average of other Ohio ZIP codes. There were six evictions in the city in 2016.