Buchtel, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning more about the Population & Steets in Buchtels City? Then read on to learn about the top attractions in the area. The crime rate in Buchtel is below the national average. However, there are some factors that make this city less safe. Poor areas often have high crime rates, which may cause people to be depressed and turn to crime as a way to cope. In addition, poor neighborhoods are often devoid of social support systems, which may lead to a high rate of crime. Additionally, a lack of schools or social networks may cause residents to become isolated and vulnerable to crime.

The population of Buchtel is 558 people, who live in the Village. This is located in Athens County, Ohio, with a portion extending into Hocking County. The population density is approximately 670 feet above sea level. The population is mostly white, with only 1.9% of residents identifying as Hispanic or Other. A high school education is required for many residents of Buchtel, which is why the average income in Buchtel is $56,580 per capita.

In addition to the population of Buchtel City, the college also established a woman professorship. The university also established a literary organization, which was comprised of only college students. The organization became known for developing cal genius. In the spring of 1917, Buchtel College had a baseball field and bleachers. In addition, the school was also famous for its social life, with a high number of Buchtel women.