Bryan, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the latest population and steets in Bryan City, you've come to the right place. The data below will give you an overview of the city. Take a look at the graph below for some insights. It shows the median age and race of the city's residents. The city is home to around 8,493 people, and the median household income is $34,454. Read on to learn more about the demographics of Bryan, TX!

The following table presents demographic data for Bryan, Texas. This data is based on the 2020 American Community Survey. You can find out how many residents drive, walk, or bike to work. In addition, you can find out whether they work at home or commute by car. The demographic data is updated annually, but the US Census Bureau does not guarantee the accuracy of the data. The graph contains statistics about the number of residents living in Bryan by age, race, gender, and family.

The population of Bryan City is diverse, but it does have a strong history. The city was founded almost 140 years ago, and served as a distribution and railroad stop during the Civil War. The town has a higher percentage of ethnic minorities than the national average, with Hispanic Or Latino (39.3%), White (37.8%), Black or African American (18.1%), Two Or More (1.3%), and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (0.4%).