Blakeslee, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are currently 3,437 residents in Blakeslee City, Idaho. Of this number, 1,119 are under the age of twenty. Males outnumber females with a median age of 36.9. There are approximately 1,456 births and 1,154 deaths per year in Blakeslee. There are currently 96 races represented in Blakeslee. However, you may want to research the local population before moving there.

The violent crime rate in Blakeslee is only 1.58 per 1,000 residents. While the southeast part of the city has the lowest violent crime rate, residents in the east and west neighborhoods may see higher than average crime rates. However, crime is still prevalent in places where people congregate, and the south of the city is far safer. As a result, you should be cautious when visiting the city's southeast and south parts, as the rates may appear higher than they are.

The highest education attainment for residents of Blakeslee is high. In Ohio, the highest level of education is achieved by people over the age of 25. The highest percentage of residents of this age group in Blakeslee have college degrees or higher, but even college graduates often don't have a master's degree. The lowest educational attainment is in the lower income bracket. In addition, there are many people who earn less than $27,000 a year and have little money to spare.

A look at the demographics of residents of Blakeslee, PA will reveal that there are 43 wartime veterans in the city. This is compared to the national average of 5.3%. For the same age group, there are more single people in the city than in the rest of the state. However, it is important to know that these numbers do not reflect the gender makeup of the community.