Bladensburg, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are a number of different demographics that describe the residents of Bladensburg City, Maryland. In order to get a better feel for the population of the city, we have put together some demographic statistics for it. These figures show the total number of people living in Bladensburg City. Below, we have listed out a few important facts about this city. You can also use this information to plan your own trip to this historic part of Maryland.

The first thing to know is the number of people who live in Bladensburg. This figure is based on the number of people per square mile, a number that can be compared with the Maryland and national averages. The next thing that you should know is the median age of residents. This is important because it will help you decide if the city is the right one for you. The percentage of adults who are single means that they are older than the national average.

The median household income in Bladensburg, MD is $44,905, which is lower than the national average of $65,712. However, it is higher than the Maryland average of $65,213, so the city's income inequality is low. Bladensburg has a low unemployment rate, which is less than the national average. And the city's average household size is 4.38k people, meaning that it has a comparatively high number of people.