Beaver, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You are looking for information on the Population & Steets in Beaver-City, Nebraska. The information below will help you make the right decision when looking to relocate to this city. In addition, you can learn about the current day, date, time, and currency for Beaver City. These figures will be helpful to you as you decide what kind of housing will fit your needs. You can also find out the dialing code for Beaver City, Nebraska, if you'd like to contact the city.

The median gross rent in Beaver City is $568. This figure is higher than that of other cities in Nebraska. The median household income is $65,500. The median home value is $184,000.

The USPS uses "D" as the preferred name for Beaver City, NE. This is because a ZIP code can only have one default name. The city's residents usually refer to it by the default name, which is D (Default).

According to the Dwellics website, the population of Beaver City is 100 percent college-educated. Similarly, it has high STEM degrees, but very few people live near recreational areas. However, crime levels may seem higher in areas of high density where there are fewer people. So, the best places to live in Beaver City are the safest. But what do these statistics mean for you?