Baltic, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The number of evictions per 10,000 residents in Baltic City, Ohio is quite low. In fact, the population of this city is about the same as that of neighboring cities like Sterling and Dundee. In 2016, there were only 0.83 eviction cases per 1,000 residents in Baltic. However, that number may not be so accurate because some addresses have multiple evictions throughout the year. So, it is important to determine the eviction rate in your neighborhood before moving there.

The following table shows the demographics of Baltic. The area has a population of 748 people. The median household income in Baltic is $43,167. As you can see, this town has a very diverse population. For instance, it has a very low unemployment rate and a high school graduation rate. While the median household income in this city is $63,134, the average household income in this area is $69,630. The area also has a high school graduation rate of 88%.

The city is home to numerous attractions and activities. Tourists will also have an opportunity to visit the Old Town, which is the largest in the Baltics. Riga is the capital of Latvia and contains many of the country's largest companies and foreign representations. This city also offers beautiful Art Nouveau buildings, wooden residential areas, and a Medieval Old Town. The city also offers a unique culture and population.