Bakersville, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Bakersville City were estimated by the 2010 census. As of that time, 99.8% of the population resided in households. There were also 2,094 noninstitutionalized group quarters and 1,301 institutionalized individuals. The average household size was 3.47. If you'd like to learn more about the people and places in Bakersville City, check out the information below.

The town of Bakersville has a C1 Census Class Code. It doesn't serve as a county subdivision equivalent and has a functional status code of "A." It is located within the Township of Bakersville, a minor civil division of Mitchell County. The town has various alternate unofficial names, including Bakersfield, Davis, and Bakersville. The city's median age was 30.0 years. The proportion of males to females is 91 to one.

The median age of the population of Bakersville, NC was 49. Native citizens and foreign-born citizens were nearly equally divided by age. The median household income in Bakersville, NC was $66,228. This is well below the national average of $76,037. However, it is important to note that there are more than 739 incorporated cities in North Carolina. Bakersville, NC has a lower median income than its neighboring and parent geographies.

The city's schools are mainly in the downtown area, with new housing being constructed there. The city's school district expanded rapidly during the 1980s. It had fourteen schools by the 1932 school year. In addition, the school district operated a special school in the Kern General Hospital. In addition, Bakersville City has a population of over 30,000. When the city's population grew, the schools were able to accommodate the growing number of students in the town.