Apple Creek, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know the population and steets of Apple Creek City? If not, it's time to learn more about this community. There are several things to know, such as how much money the average person in Apple Creek City makes. You can find out more about the demographics of Apple Creek by checking out the tables below. Also, be sure to check the poverty rates in the area. Whether you're looking to relocate to Apple Creek City or simply want to know more about the people that live there, this section will provide you with some valuable insights.

The population of Apple Creek City is diverse. More African-Americans live in this neighborhood than anywhere else in America. The community is also unique linguistically, with 2.4% of residents speaking Arabic at home. The census data provides more details about the racial makeup of Apple Creek. However, if you're looking for a more detailed picture, we recommend checking out the Census Bureau's American Community Survey.