Amlin, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might be wondering how safe Amlin City is. The table below compares crime rates in Amlin to those in other nearby cities. Amlin is considerably safer than the average, both nationally and for a city of its size. This table compares the overall crime rate for Amlin to those in the state of Ohio and the national average. Nevertheless, this is only a rough guide to Amlin. For your peace of mind, you'll want to visit the city before making your decision.

Amlin city is located in Ohio. Amlin's population is small, but it's growing fast. Find out how many people live in Amlin and how many are in each racial group. You can also compare each neighborhood to a national average. There's no shortage of interesting facts and figures on Amlin! With these stats, you'll be able to make an informed decision about living in Amlin.

The area around Amlin, Ohio is home to 2,184 residents and twelve households. The median home value is $162,500. The average household size is 2.33 people. Amlin's population is expected to grow by 28.6% between 2010 and 2024. The median household income is $73,073 and the cost of living is $1,544 per month. If you are considering moving to Amlin, OH, you should start your search online today. The map below is a good resource for this city's ZIP code.