Addyston, Ohio Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Here are the Demographics of Addyston, Ohio. As you can see from the table below, the population is divided up by ages. Those below the age of 20 are the majority. Those above the age of 60 are the minority, and the proportion of people in this group is the lowest. The rest of the population is divided up among blue and white-collar jobs.

The percentage of foreign-born residents in Addyston is low: just under 2%. This makes Addyston a middle-sized city, and ranks #1 in foreign-born residents in Ohio. Those who were born in other countries are mostly from the Americas, with just one percent being from Europe. Other statistics include the percentage of people who were born in other countries. If you'd like to find out more about the diversity of people in Addyston, Ohio, you'll want to look at Figure 44.

Another interesting fact about Addyston is that it is relatively safe. Crime rates here are lower than those in neighboring cities. The average homicide rate in Addyston is only 1.3 per 1,000 people. In other words, you should feel safe and secure living in Addyston. However, there are still a few crimes in the city. To help you find a safe and comfortable place to live, check the demographics of this city.

The population of Addyston, OH is about nine hundred and thirty-six people. The median household income in the city is $35,781 dollars. This is slightly lower than the average Ohio household income, but the poverty rate is significantly higher than the national average. This is an important indicator for economic stability. When you visit Addyston, OH, it's best to plan your visit accordingly.