Minnewaukan, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Minnewaukan, ND is 197 people, with a median age of 46.3. The most common racial or ethnic group is White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Black and American Indian and Alaska Native. The rest of the population is either unknown or Hispanic. One in five people in Minnewaukan is considered poor, and the unemployment rate is 1.02%.

The population of Minnewaukan is relatively young, with the median age being 42 years old. A typical family in Minnewaukan has 3.1 members. This city has a diversity of 9.5 percent, which is better than the national average. There are many businesses and schools located in Minnewaukan. A population breakdown by race can be found here. For example, women are more likely to live in Minnewaukan than men.

The population of Minnewaukan has decreased steadily for five years. While there are multiple reasons behind this trend, there has been one critical event that precipitated the city's decline. Residents left the city for various reasons, including employment opportunities, weather conditions, and family situations. The low birth rate can cause a domino effect, as can the lack of basic services. But the majority of Minnewaukan residents have moved away.

One thing that has affected the community's decision to move to Minnewaukan is its population. Fewer people means fewer business opportunities, but easy access to the highways makes North Dakota a great place to live. Additionally, it's an excellent location for businesses, as most citizens are able to get around easily and commute to work. Moreover, North Dakota is also commuter friendly, so many employees can afford nice homes.