Mcleod, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering "What is the Population & Steets in McLeod City?" then you have come to the right place. You can find out what the population is in Mcleod by looking at the census data. Listed below is the population by age group, gender and race. This information is provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. The population figure for this city is based on rebased census block data.

McLeod City is located in North Dakota and has a population of 134. The median house value is $57,500, and the median household size is 2.46. The median age for residents is 0 years old. McLeod is located about 55 miles west of Minneapolis. The population growth rate is -. The median age for males is 0 years old.

The majority of people living in this area are white. The city has very few people of African American or Asian descent. There are fewer families and single parents than other areas in the country. Its vacancy rate is also extremely high. Despite this, it is still an affordable place to live. This is because there are only a handful of public schools. If you are interested in living in McLeod City, Minnesota, please consider these statistics.