Lansford, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Lanasford City? A quick internet search will yield the answer. There are several census databases available to help you determine this information. The following table provides a quick overview of the population of Lansford City, Pennsylvania. You can also view demographic data and other local information, such as schools and crime statistics, by visiting the city's official website.

The population of Lansford City is relatively low, and the nearest major cities are Allentown and Philadelphia, both of which have population over 200,000. The area has a relatively high average air quality index, which was 20.5 in 2007; and its historical tornado activity is slightly higher than the state of Pennsylvania average, but smaller than the national average. Despite its relatively high AQI, the Lansford area still has relatively high crime rates, with the highest incidence of violent crime in the area.

The racial makeup of the Lansford City population reflects the country's population composition. Approximately 2.9% of the population is white and the other 99.7% of residents are Hispanic or Latino. The ratio of males to females is approximately 1:3.

The area of Lansford is 1.6 square miles or 4.1 square kilometers, and shares a border with Coaldale, a suburban bedroom neighborhood. The town is about 10 miles west of Lehighton, and 6 miles northeast of Tamaqua. The elevation of Lansford City is 1145 feet above sea level. Despite its low elevation, the city is well-connected to other nearby cities and towns.