Glenfield, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are many reasons to research Population & Steets in Glenfiled City, NY. You'll be amazed at the variety of options available to you! Here are some of the most common ones, as well as their estimated population and school district information. You can use these data to determine which schools might be the right fit for your family and your budget. After reviewing the data for Glenfield, NY, you can make your decision based on these metrics.

Property Crime Rate: Property crime in Glenfield City is 1.66 per 1,000 residents during the standard year. You'll find that the northwest part of the city is the safest in terms of property crime. However, you can't always assume that the red areas are safer than the green ones. This is because crime doesn't necessarily occur in areas with many people. To avoid a potentially dangerous neighborhood, make sure to get an annual property crime report for Glenfield.

Education & Occupations: A recent census showed that 56% of the working population in Glenfield completed college. Another 33% of Glenfield residents earned a master's degree or higher. As for occupations, Glenfield is home to people who work in service industries, blue collar occupations, and white-collar roles. Overall, the population of Glenfield is educated and highly skilled.