Fordville, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets of Fordville City, you've come to the right place. Here you will find detailed information about this community. You can see the number of people living in Fordville City, as well as the median age, where a person is considered to be under the age of 18. You can also look up other demographic information, including the median income, crime rates, and cost of living in the area.

According to the most recent census, the population of Fordville, ND was 210 people in 2019. 99% of the population was U.S. citizens. The median property value was $60,000, and the homeownership rate was 91.4%. The median household income is $60,625, which is lower than the national average of $63,036. The average commute time was 16.1 minutes, and the median number of cars per household was two.

The population of Fordville is comprised of a mix of residents from several different ethnic groups. In terms of ancestry, residents of Fordville are predominantly white. While a small number of residents identify as black or African American, a larger proportion of local residents identify as Hispanic or Latino. In addition, 17.8% of the population is Hispanic or Latino, and another 2.6% is considered other races.

The population of Fordville City is 194, which has decreased by 16.2 percent since 2020. The median home price is $42,000, and appreciation in the last 10 years has been only 1.9%. Fordville is located within the middle of a large metropolitan area, so people who live in Fordville are close to many other areas. You can explore this area while living in Fordville, NJ. There is something for everyone here.