Absaraka, North Dakota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Before you go to Absaraka, ND, you should know a little bit about the place. You can check out its population and stats, as well as other information about the city. To make your trip to Absaraka, ND more pleasant, you may want to check out the list of nearby cities. The following cities are about 147 miles away from Absaraka, ND.

The number of robberies per capita in Absaraka city is very low, indicating that it is safer than most surrounding areas. Crime rates are higher in areas with high population, but not necessarily in places with low populations. The northwest area of the city is considered the safest place to live, and it has one of the lowest robbery rates in Absaraka. Although robbery is low in Absaraka, it is not uncommon for a city in North Dakota to have violent crime.

The city of Absaraka is located in Cass County, North Dakota. You can locate it using the map below. The approximate population is 23. The ZIP code for Absaraka is 58002.