Winfall, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and steets of Winfall City? A quick Google search will reveal the answers to these questions and more. Here are some statistics on Winfall, NC. These numbers can help you decide if Winfall is right for you. You'll find out which neighborhoods are the most crowded, as well as how many people live in each of them. Plus, find out what people are doing in the area.

The median household income in Winfall, NC is $38,958. This is less than the average American income of $65,712. The median household income for Winfall, NC increased by 20.6% between 2018 and 2019. The largest industries in Winfall are Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, Educational Services, and Government. Public Administration, Retail Trade, and Professional, Scientific, and Administrative Services are among the highest-paying industries in Winfall, NC.

The population of Winfall is largely comprised of families. Seventy-five percent of households are headed by a husband and wife. The average family size in Winfall is 2.7, making it the second-smallest city in the greater Winfall region. In contrast, the biggest city in the region, Colerain, has the highest percentage of married couples. Regardless of the city's size, it's important to consider how many people live in Winfall.

In 2019, the population of Winfall, NC was 754 people. The median property value was $170,500. Homeownership rate was 64.9%, and the average commute time was 21.2 minutes. There were 2 cars per household. There are 754 residents living in Winfall, NC. For those interested in knowing more, check out the statistics about Winfall, NC. The demographic data below provides some basic statistics on this city.