Williamston, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following is an overview of the population and steets in the city of Williamston. The information on this page comes from the United States Census Bureau and the American Community Survey. The estimated population for 2020 is 3,939, making this city the third most populous in the greater area. You can also learn more about the area's history by viewing the city's historic photographs. Listed below are some notable facts about Williamston.

This demographic analysis shows that there are many big age and generational groups in the Williamston community. This information is useful for job searches and determining areas of the town where retirees are most likely to live. The breakdown of the population shows the percentage of men and women in the city. The male population is 10.2% smaller than the female population. The township has a relatively small percentage of single-parent households.

You should also consider the neighborhood's walkability. Do the houses look alike? Do they have driveways that you can use to park your car? If not, consider the neighbors. If a neighborhood looks clean and well-maintained, that means good neighbors. The population of Williamston is just under 26,000, so keep that in mind when choosing a new home. The quality of a neighborhood can greatly impact how enjoyable it is to live here.

You can compare Williamston's population density with that of other cities by using the U.S. Census Bureau. The population density in Williamston is just 2.4%, while the average is 22.2%. Other important Williamston demographic information you should check are the median age of all residents in the city. You can find out this information by using the U.S. Census Bureau's online population database.