Warne, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Warne City has 2,516 residents and is home to a diverse mix of races. 42.1% of its residents identify as white, while 57.9% are Hispanic or Latino. There are also 0.7% of American Indians or Alaska Natives. Of the 2,516 residents, 0.1% identify as black or Asian. The remainder are of mixed race, or some combination of races.

The city of Wayne is located in northeastern Illinois on the shores of Lake Michigan. The area has four distinct seasons. The warmest months are July and August, followed by the coldest, which fall in October. Winters are colder than summers, and there is a slight risk of snow.

The city is located at the southern end of the Detroit Metropolitan Area, and the Henry Clay Monument, located on a hill overlooking south Pottsville, is worth a visit. Though the park is small, it has many trees that provide shade from the sun. It also offers a breathtaking view of South Centre Street.