Wake Forest, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering about the population of Wake Forest City, North Carolina, it's a good idea to check out the town's demographics. The US Census Bureau is the primary source for US demographic data and is used by Wake Forest City, North Carolina, to help plan community development and emergency services. Its biannual reports are also useful for planning city services. You can get the most recent population and steets reports from the Town's Long Range Planning Division by following the links below.

The city's top means of transportation are cars, motorcycles, and walking. While the majority of Wake Forest residents commute by car, about 110 people opt for walking or biking to work. Twenty-two people ride motorcycles to commute. With these three primary means of transportation, Wake Forest has a relatively low crime rate. You may also want to consider the schools in Wake Forest and the area around it.

If you want to find out what kind of people live in Wake Forest, check out the demographics of the area. The city is home to more than 31,000 people, and ranks as the 26th largest city in North Carolina. However, it's still a small town with a lot of small-town charm. With a population over 31,000, Wake Forest is a great place for families.