Wagram, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information relates to the Population & Steets of Wagram City, North Carolina. These numbers show the percentage of the population that lives in this city. Compared to the rest of the state, Wagram has a slightly worse quality of life than the rest. You can check out the average income in this city, and see what your neighbors have to say about it. The median home value in Wagram is $81,200, and the home appreciation rate over the past ten years has been 6.5%.

Crime Rates in Wagram City vary widely. East Wagram has more crimes than west. Crime rates are higher in areas near parks, and east Wagram has more retail establishments. The map is not necessarily a good indicator of safety, but it is an indication of a dangerous neighborhood. Crime rates in Wagram City may be slightly higher than in surrounding cities, but these numbers may not be indicative of the actual danger level.

If you want to explore the area around Wagram, NC, you can find a list of nearby cities. A simple search will allow you to find the nearest big city, or a small town within 62 miles. You can also find cities that are within a hundred miles of Wagram, NC. You'll be surprised how far the next big city is! You'll be pleasantly surprised by how many places you can visit just by driving through!