Wadesboro, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets in Wade, NC. For more information about the city, see Wadesboro, NC demographics. The city had a prosperous history in the early twentieth century. Rows of commercial buildings grew up in Wadesboro, including 100-108 South Rutherford Street and 106-112 South Greene Street. Today, Wadesboro's main business district is centered on the intersection of Martin, Greene, and Washington Streets.

The city's economic and physical expansion was accelerated by the arrival of railroads. The Wilmington, Charlotte, and Rutherford Railroad skirted the city in 1874 and later became the Seaboard Air Line, linking the town to other nearby communities and to the national rail network. Later, the Cheraw and Salisbury Railroad reached Wadesboro and Winston-Salem Southbound in 1911.

Hispanics make up 4.1% of the city's population. This is a small percentage but it's more than the national average. Hispanics can be of any race. It's important to note that Hispanics are not considered "non-citizens" in Wadesboro, NC. However, the city's percentage of Hispanics is significantly higher than the national average and the average for the state of North Carolina.

The average household income in Wadesboro, NC is $26,680. Wadesboro is home to approximately 5,654 residents. Its median age is 36. The median household income in Wadesboro is $26,681. There are five main ethnic groups represented in the city. They are Black or African American (72%) and White (Non-Hispanic) (2.7%). The city has a low Hispanic population (0.037%).