Tyner, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the population and steets of Tyner City, you've come to the right place. Here's a look at the crime rates for this area. Crime rates for Tyner are higher in north than in south. Listed below are the top crime hot spots in Tyner. You can also browse crime reports for cities nearby. In Tyner, crime rates are higher in north than in south, which is a good indicator for the safety of Tyner residents.

The following map displays the racial diversity of Tyner. The darker colors represent areas where the majority race is represented. The green area represents areas with the highest diversity. Areas that have low diversity are red. Populations in Tyner City are highly concentrated. Those in the red area are considered less diverse than those in green. These racial diversity statistics are important in determining the level of crime in a city.

It's important to consider the characteristics of the neighborhood before making a move to Tyner. The houses in one neighborhood may be similar, but they may not have a welcoming homeowners association. Another important factor is parking. Many homes in Tyner City do not have parking for cars, and a garage might be full of other vehicles. Neighborhood maintenance is important as well, and this can help you identify the best neighbors.