Swepsonville, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

There are two distinct types of crime in Swepsonville: property crime and street crime. Property crime, which is the most common type of crime in Swepsonville, is often lower than street crime. Property crime, on the other hand, is generally higher than street crime. In Swepsonville, the crime rate is 29.9 percent per year. Property crime, however, is not uncommon, with a number of crimes in the retail sector.

While these statistics may seem small, they are indicative of the quality of life in a community. Swepsonville is home to eighty-six percent owner-occupied homes, with an average household size of 2.4 people. Still, quality of life is subjective, with some home buyers preferring a walkable downtown or a suburban area. Others, on the other hand, may prefer peace and quiet, nature, and open spaces, but don't mind a short commute to work.

The population of Swepsonville City is 922 people. This includes 383 households. The median age is 41.2 years. Swepsonville is 4.1% smaller than Green Level. It is also home to a small number of military veterans, though the numbers are still low compared to some other towns. While a small town, Swepsonville does have a population density that's higher than the average for North Carolina cities.

The demographics of Swepsonville are quite diverse, with non-Hispanic whites making up 7% of the population. Despite this, Swepsonville's Hispanic population is relatively low, with a rate of only 7.2%. In comparison, Green Level has the highest proportion of unwed mothers, at 100%. This is not surprising given its majority of unwed mothers aged 15 to 19.