Stony Point, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For a more comprehensive look at the city's demographics, check out the Population & Steets in Stong Point. This chart displays the population and steets by neighborhood. The town is located in Rockland County and has a population of 15,358. The city is located at an elevation of 280 feet (85 meters).

There are numerous restaurants and hotels in and around Stony Point, NY. You can find everything from coffee shops to fine dining within a ten-minute drive of the city. If you'd like to experience a little of the surrounding towns, you can even search for a city 100 miles away to see what else is in your area. Regardless of the destination, you'll find a place to stay within a reasonable budget.

As for transportation, the town is served by the Hudson River Railroad. It's home to a garbage train, which brings trash up to the north for burning, and also runs the River Line, which is primarily manifest freight trains and tankers. The Auto Rack express brings cars to their owners in northern New York and New Jersey. Depending on the time of day, 20-25 trains pass through Stony Point each day, with six container stack trains and one passenger train.

The population of Stony Point is primarily white, with an estimated 8.65k residents. In addition, there are roughly 1.12k residents who are black or african American and 0.22k white (Hispanic) and Hispanic. The city has a large population of Vietnam veterans. With such a diverse population, the city has many things to offer everyone. Just make sure you check out the demographics before you move to Stony Point, NY.