Star, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Star City is composed mainly of single-detached houses. There are about 165 residential units in Star City. The median home value in the city is $107,283. Of the total units, there are about 60 units with three bedrooms, while there are about 50 with two bedrooms. A majority of Star City homes need regular maintenance, while the remainder require minor repairs. There are about 21% single-parent households, and the rest are families with at least one adult aged 35-44.

The population of Star City has an average commuting time of twenty-five minutes. People who work in the city commute to work for about 15 minutes, but this can vary by address. The average commute time in Star City is 25 minutes, and the majority of residents use their vehicle for transportation. Most residents commute to other cities or municipalities in the same province. These variations may be due to several factors. Aside from Star City, nearby towns like Tisdale and Burket have higher rates of unemployment.

As population growth continues, there are many barriers that stand between superstar cities and their economic growth. For example, population growth can increase the thickness of labor markets, but it does not necessarily mean that cities will offer more amenities. Further population growth will likely limit the number of amenities and variety of urban functions that a superstar city will be able to offer. A more permissive regulatory and political environment is necessary to achieve the desired results.