Shawboro, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Shawborough City? The city is a small town in North Carolina and has a population of 1,570. The majority of the population is white, and only 0.1% are African American. However, there are some minorities residing in the area. In fact, the area's population is made up of people of different races. To get a better idea of the population of Shawboro, you might want to look for a city that is majority white.

One way to measure the quality of a city is to look at the percentage of educated residents. Education is key to the economic growth of a city. The greater the percentage of educated people, the higher the potential for economic growth. There are also differences between men and women in terms of the percentage of people with higher education. For example, women in Shawboro NC have higher educational attainments than men. As a result, women in Shawboro are more likely than men to have earned a master's degree in the past decade.