Scaly Mountain, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You have probably wondered about the Population & Steets in Scally Mountain City. It is an unincorporated community in South Central Macon County. The town is close to the Georgia and North Carolina state line. The population of Scaly Mountain is around 500 people. For more information on this small community, check out the local area. We have listed a few popular places to visit in Scaly Mountain.

Crime rates are calculated as the number of crimes committed per 1,000 residents of Scaly Mountain over a standard year. The crime rate in Scaly Mountain is comparable to surrounding cities. However, it is less safe than other cities of the same size and the national average. You should never rely solely on crime statistics to make a decision. You should also check the number of crime reports filed each year.

The demographic data for Scaly Mountain are derived from the American Community Survey. The data is updated every year by the U.S. Census Bureau. While Niche is a third-party, it is still a good idea to visit all school districts in person or check the school ratings. The area offers plenty of things to do for the whole family, but for working parents, being close to daycare centers and other activities is important.