Pleasant Garden, North Carolina Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're thinking about moving to Pleasant Garden City, NC, you may be wondering what it's like to live there. The population and steets of this city are both very similar, but there are some differences. To better understand these differences, here's a look at what's happening in Pleasant Garden City. You can find out more about the neighborhoods in Pleasant Garden City below.

The average age in Pleasant Garden is around 51 years old. It is a retirement community, which means that most people live here for the rest of their lives. The population is split between males and females, with men outnumbering women 48:1.

The average home price in Garden City is $930,000, and the average home spends 32 days on the market. Renters in Garden City are also fairly cheap compared to the average New York City home. Rents are usually under $3,828, and most apartments are owner-occupied. However, if you're looking to rent, consider apartments. Apartments in Garden City can be expensive, but you can find plenty of lower-cost options.